- 3v3 SPEED Lacrosse play, 5 people per team
- Players may play up in their age division but not play down. Each team has a name and captain. Team captains are in charge of gathering information and payment for their team.
- Matches consist of two 11-minute halves with a 5-minute halftime.
- SPEED Lacrosse certified Court Guards will be managing each game.
- Portion of the proceeds will benefit The Casey Powell World Lacrosse Foundation
Saturday 9 am – 3pm, check in 8 am
Sunday 9am-Noon
The games will be played Saturday. Sunday will be a Family Fun Day on Siesta Key with 9 am Casey Powell Beach Clinic, skills competitions and family SPEED Lacrosse.
Siesta Key Beach
Sarasota, FL
- Boys and Girls Youth: 3v3 SPEED Lacrosse, Elementary, Middle School
- Boys and Girls High School: 3v3 SPEED Lacrosse
- Men’s and Women’s Open Division: 3v3 SPEED Lacrosse
- Men’s and Women’s Masters/Grand Masters: 3v3 SPEED Lacrosse
- Team registrations will be capped at 8 teams per division filled on a first come, first serve basis.
- $500 per team
Let’s Get The Festival Started!
7:45-8:45 am – Check in near Siesta Key Public Beach Pavillion.
9 am – Opening Ceremony – Raffle and 50/50 Open
9:30 am – 3:00 pm – Festival Games
When your team is not playing please enjoy the spike ball, frisbees, beach balls and corn hole. It’s there for all to share. Of course take a swim in the waters. Please encourage all players to use the buddy system when swimming. Tell a parent and swim in front of the lifegaurd stands. Its all there to enjoy!! Please consider supporting The Casey Powell World Lacrosse Foundation by purchasing a tournament tshirt, raffle tickets and 50/50. Please check out the SPEED Lacrosse Tent and learn about the sport and what it has to offer.
3:30-4:30 pm Raffle and 50/50 Winners Announced
- Casey Powell Beach Clinic
- Skills competitions
- Family SPEED Lacrosse
All team registration and payments are due no later than MAY 5, 2021. All teams will have a Captain to collect payments for registration. $500 per team due at time of registration.
Teams must check-in during check-in time. All waivers must match your roster. Waivers are to be filled out ONLINE with registration.
For your convenience, this tournament is using SPORT iD for Player Registration.
SPORT iD is a universal check-in system that allows you to enter your child’s information once and simply check-in to each event your child participates in.
- To get started, download the free SPORT iD app on your iPhone or Android
- Open the app and follow the guided registration process
- Tap the top left corner, go to Places & Events, then 2021 Summer Faceoff, and tap “Check In”
We will be using LeagueApps and SPORTid for Festival updates, weather delays, team information, and game schedule.
All payments must be paid in full to CP Lacrosse no later than MAY 5, 2021
Player registrations and waivers must be completed by MAY 5, 2021
Team rosters must be submitted by MAY 5, 2021
$500 per TEAM
- Full Payment Deadline May 5, 2021
- Payment options & plans offered during registration.
- Pay by check option available. Please contact us at [email protected] if interested.
Due to the nature of our events, NO REFUNDS are given. Please review before registering. Credit for events is given based on discretion by the event manager. Contact us at [email protected] for information.